12th – 28th August 2004
About the course
What is Permaculture?
Permaculture design is about practical ecological strategies for land, water, buildings, people and communities. It is based on the philosophy of co-operating with nature and caring for the earth and its peoples.
The word “Permaculture” is derived from permanent agriculture and permanent culture, but offers a perspective on all aspects of building a sustainable future, and affecting your life for the better.
Permaculture encourages us to use our individual skills, knowledge and interests, whilst drawing on traditional wisdom, science and our innate ability to observe and learn from the world around us.
This internationally recognised course offers 90 hours tuition with sessions covering:
* Green architecture
* Climate and microclimates
* Trees and woodland management
* Building effective learning groups
* Cultivated ecology: gardens and farms
* Water, sewage treatment and aquaculture
* Real wealth, money and sustainable exchange
* Energy conservation and renewable energy
* Community development and organisation
* Ethics and principles of Permaculture
* Design process and methodology
* Soil structure and conservation
* Sustainable transport
There will also be off-farm visits to an earth-sheltered dwelling, Delabole wind farm, and a reed-bed sewage system. Guest speakers will include Peter Bunyard who will talk on the Gaia theory and climate change.
Using group work, discussion, observation, guided walks, practical activities, lectures, videos, and slides as learning methods, the course culminates in a major design practical for you to apply your skills and knowledge. The course has been developed over the last few years to reflect both tutor experience and student feedback.
Successful completion of the course will give participants a Certificate in Permaculture Design and is the first step to becoming a Permaculture Diploma Holder.
The Course Team
The course will be led by Bryn Thomas and Chris Evans.
Bryn has experience in the fields of community projects, LETS, garden and farm design, forest gardening, agroforestry, woodland and wildlife. He is currently project co-ordinator for Stanmer Organics, a consortium of projects leasing 17 acres of land near Brighton for permaculture, organic food production, education and research. He is currently involved with the building of Brighton’s first and only Earthship.
Chris lives and works in Nepal and until recently was technical advisor to the Jajarkot Permaculture Project, a grass roots project successfully spreading new ideas compatible with existing cultural traditions. He is currently working as Country Rep. for Appropriate Technology Asia.
We expect to have at least one student teacher on this year’s course.
Support and some sessions will also come from 3 Keveral residents:
Oak: a Keveral resident for 14 years, Oak is responsible for woodland management and tree planting at Keveral, including the orchards, and has helped to develop Keveral’s co-operative structures.
Bill Knight: Another Keveral resident, Bill is a sustainable designer, organic farmer and exotic mushroom grower. He is currently on secondment to Devonport Regeneration Project.
Gina Cooper: An active member of Keveral Permaculture Group, Gina is currently a full time mum, with a focus on holistic stress management and experimenting with permaculture growing ideas in her polytunnel.
The Venue
An organic farming community established in 1973, Keveral Farm has been incorporating Permaculture ideas into a changing and evolving community for the last 12 years. We are currently 15 adults and 8 children, plus a number of both short and longer stay visitors and volunteers. We also have links with folk in the local community.
The farm is run by its members through several co-operative structures:
One Community Ltd, a housing co-op which manages the farm house and aims to provide suitable dwelling space to meet the long term needs of its members. One Community is an active member of Radical Routes, a national network of co-ops, which raises funds to finance co-op projects, and promotes co-operative living.
Keveral Farmers Ltd. A workers co-operative which manages the farm land.
Keveral Sustainable Land Holdings Ltd, a land holdings co-op established to fund the purchase of land for sustainable projects.
Keveral Permaculture Group works with Keveral’s co-ops and local tutors to run courses and develop educational / permaculture projects based at the farm and in the local area.
The local area offers beautiful coastal and woodland walks and is in easy travelling distance to the Eden Project.
The course will be based in our visitors barn with sessions held outdoors whenever possible. Camping will be in our secluded valley orchard, which has a firepit and composting toilet. A shared tipi is available with prior notice. Limited indoor or caravan space may be available for those unable to camp. A flush toilet and shower room is also available. We can also arrange local B&B.
will be mostly organic, G.M.free, vegan/veggie and freshly harvested when possible.
Course Fees & Discounts
Full Fee £450
Concession Fee £280
The course fee includes all catering, site visits and materials (apart from those listed in “what to bring”) and one years membership of the Permaculture Association. Please note that this course is supported by the W.E.A.* (Worker’s Education Authority), which means that we are able to offer substantial discounts to those in receipt of means-tested benefits, as well as those dependant on someone claiming benefit. The W.E.A. may also be able to help those on low income and in receipt of working family tax credits. Unfortunately this applies to UK residents only.
Please for details.
Arriving and Departing:
Please arrive any time between 1pm – and no later than 5.30pm on Thursday August 12th.
The course will officially begin with the introduction session at 7.30pm.
Departures: The course will end on Saturday August 28th followed by a cabaret and party with departures on the Sunday.
Travel Information
What to bring:
- Notebook and pens, plain paper is best.
- Coloured pens, crayons or paints.
- Tent and Bedding.
- Indoor and outdoor footwear.
- Warm and waterproof clothing.
- Torch or lamp.
Please also feel free to bring details of any project you would like to share with the group, acoustic instruments and remember the cabaret at the end of the course!
Please contact us is there’s anything else you need to know, otherwise we look forward to seeing you on the course.